More Website Templates @ - September22, 2014!
Ricahrd is our Chairman, Farm labourere based in worksop, he ahs been apart of YFC for 10+ years
Georgia is our Secratery, She deals with the operations of the club, Planning meetings and organising YFC events
Millie deals with the Finance, She makes sure that we have money in the bank and assits gerogia with running the club
Meetings happen at the Red Heart, Blyth @ 7:30pm on Mondays. We dont always have meetings here, we often meet at other locations for in club enets like sports days, picniks, etc
YFC is all about the love of the country side, Anyone with a love can come along and sahre the passion. We dont always talk aboput farming but its a common Theme.
We often come together and have a drink and a laugh but often we put our Country and Agricultural knowldge to the test in a Quiz.
YFC isnt just about the meetings, Worksop YFC host Events for any memeber of the NYFC to come and enjoy them selves. Some will be family friendly and other will be 18+ but everyone is welcome